Lots of space at the fairgrounds to find your happy place. We will be serving a post-race meal and awards/prizes after both the 4-hour and 8-hour races. PLEASE pre-register if you can to help us plan.
*Once you're team is registered ALL team members will be added on race day..only one person needs to register!
Evening and night 4 & 8 Hour mountain bike race/event. Solo, 2 & 4 person teams.
2025 Waiver - Starting in 2025 we are requiring all electronic waivers, CMMBA waiver form online here,CMMBA 2025 WaiverApparel
Saturday, July 12th, 2025 Night time 4 pm till 8pm or 12 am/Midnight!
Race Location: Ithaca Fairgrounds - Ithaca, Michigan.
Event Description: Evening - night time 4-8 Hour Mountain Bike Endurance Race
Course Description: The trail is approx. 4.5 miles per lap of Single and Double track trails.
Time Schedule:
Saturday, July 12th 2025
2:00 pm - 3:30p m Late Registration and Pre-Registration and Pickup
4:00 pm Mandatory riders meeting @ the Start 4-8-Hour race
8:00 pm Finish of the 4-hour race
8:30 pm Awards for the 4-hour race
12:00 am Finish of the 8-hour race
Sunday, July 13th
12:30 am Awards for the 8-hour race
Required Equipment: No License Required, ANSI Approved Helmet, Bicycle in proper working order, Lap counting ability, and a Competitive spirit.
THANK YOU to our event Supporters:
Terry's Cycle in Alma
Hammer Nutrition

General Information: ***Night race format 4 pm start Midnight Finish for the 8 Hours***
Free swag to the first 80 registered riders, Pit area tents, and overnight camping are allowed.
Only one rider per team on the course at a time, 1 of the opposite sex required to qualify for a mixed team.
On-course repairs may be performed by registered riders/racers only.
Food & water support may be provided by anyone to anyone at any time.
Working front light and flashing rear light are required for the 8-hour race - Riders finishing without lights in working order will lose that lap!
Sorry, no Bicycle Sales & Services at the race!
Contact & Additional Information:
Central Michigan Mountain Bike Association www.cmmba.org EMAIL: CMMBAinfo@gmail.com
Fun Promotions LLC 616-453-4245 www.funpromotions.com
Terry's Cycle 989-463-5260 Alma Michigan www.terryscycle.com
Event Fees: **Add $10 per rider for "day of" race registrations**
Registration is on a TEAM BASIS so only one rider on each team registers.
Individuals/Solo riders - Males compete in 4 age groups, Single Speed & Women compete separately. Awards to the top 3 in all classes receive awards.
Reg 4 hours $40 / 8 hours - $55
2 Person teams - awards to the top 3 teams in each class.
Reg 4 hours - $50 / Reg 8 hours - $90
4 Person teams - awards to the top 3 teams in each class.
Reg 4 hours - $80 / Reg 8 hours Only - $140
Race age as of 12-31-2025
Classes: 8 hour only Solo - 29 & under, 30-39, 40-49, 50+, Single Speed, Women
Two-person Teams - Open Mixed, Open Sport & Open Advanced Both 4 & 8 hours
Four-person Teams - Open Sport or Open Mixed Both 4 & 8 hours
NO REFUNDS Transfers allowed $5 to make a class/human change...made day of race only!!
Please send registration to: Pre-registration deadline July, 10th 2025 Central Michigan Mountain Bike Association www.cmmba.org EMAIL: info@CMMBA.org